farming, leadership, teamwork.

Youth Corps
ages 15 - 18 (our youngest students are at least 15 years and 10 months by July 1, 2024)
2-week session: July 15 - July 26, 2024
Youth Corps Tuition: $2,000
register now | summer program terms and conditions | financial aid

Youth Corps blends the fun and adventures of our summer program with increased responsibilities and independence for young people who are growing older. Candidates for the program are young adults who are are capable of following through on commitments, interested in learning new skills and ready to work in a supportive team of like-minded farmers. Our youngest students are graduates of the 10th grade and 15 years and 10 months old by July 1.


Farm values guide our actions and define our community. Youth Corps members work with staff to create a “farm compact” that helps build a community based on kindness and respect. We employ these values in everything we do, and they creates a space where everyone feels valued, heard and appreciated.

The Crew is a small, but tightly-knit group where we help young people build strong friendships. The Youth Corps operates separately from ongoing summer programs, and much of our work is independent of any younger student activities. However, we share meals, games, some free time and other community activities all together.

Supervision and leadership is provided by senior farm staff. We provide the training, guidance and feedback required to accomplish the tasks at hand and to grow new skills.  Youth Corps members can also expect new friendships as they build a community together.  We have fun doing hard work.


Lodging is simple but comfortable. Youth Corps sleep in wooden cabins outfitted with screen doors and windows. Each cabin has four single-sized beds complete with headboards and mattresses. Wash areas with private toilets and showers are nearby.

Delicious meals are prepared by the program chef each day. Youth Corps members often help by harvesting from the farm garden, working in the kitchen prepping food, and washing dishes after the meal. Our food is varied and made from fresh ingredients each day. Our menu options are primarily vegetarian, but occasionally have meat as a choice. We try to eat outside as much as possible under our picnic pavilion tent, but also enjoy the use of our new dining hall.

Our facilities are clean, safe, and routinely inspected by the Buckland Board of Health and the FRCOG Building Inspection Program to meet health and safety codes. Farm staff live on-property  and are also trained in First Aid and CPR.

Want to learn more? We would love to talk with you!  Contact our registration team by emailing or calling the Farm Office (413) 625-9503.
